Ah, could it be that you “know” you like music and you want to “know” how?
As a strolling violinist, I have had many people tell me time and again that they “used” to play and how they wished their parents hadn’t let them quit! I have only had less than a handful tell me otherwise.
You can still capture that magic of discovery!
Did you learn how to read music with “Every Good Boy Does Fine” or “Elvis’ Guitar Broke Down Friday”? Did you attend music concerts and enjoy them and now you wish you could capture that priority in your life again? If the answer is yes, then go from the “known to the unknown” from there!
So many clients book repeat performances of “A Day in the Life of a Strolling Violinist”. Why? Though they “know” what is in store for them is a reliable performer with an entertaining program, they also want the “unknown” because no two performances are alike. That is because different requests change the music portion of the program and different audiences change the dynamics of it.
Some people claim they don’t know how to “play” anything but the radio or they were told they have a tin ear. I find that those people are the biggest music appreciators I have ever had the privilege to entertain for.
If money were no object and you had the choice to listen and/or learn music from the best computer program out there or from talented musicians, which would you pick? I thought so….have a great day!
Jennifer brings out the music in everyone’s heart! 🙂