by | Jan 28, 2018 | Uncategorized
What else is there?
Professional musicians prepare for performances with minimal amount of rehearsals for two reasons: time and money. For example, when hired for a wedding ceremony it is common to be asked, “Will you be at the rehearsal?”. Strings of Silk Music has performed for thousands of weddings and is prepared musically and most of all alert and ready for last minute changes and situations. If requested and the musicians are available, then for an additional charge, yes but it isn’t necessary. The rehearsal is for the participants who are unsure of what to do and where to go. There are occasions when even the most experienced musicians are surprised (but they always know what Plan B is): the groom has fainted (play soft background music) or the bride doesn’t enter when cued (stop and start again). The one thing that is a given – the playing of the music is the easy part.
Strings of Silk Music has been busy this week with a professional opera production of “La Traviata” with the New Philharmonic Orchestra. The production company of singers, costume and set designers plus lighting and sound crews have been preparing for months. Compare that with what preparations the orchestra has done in one week: four rehearsals! How is it possible for sixty musicians to come together and get a standing ovation? Simple – it’s more than just the music – it is hours of behind the scenes practicing, years of experience and most of all, a very good conductor!
by | Jan 21, 2018 | Uncategorized
And music teachers give you the “key” to do it!
After a performance, professional musicians will get a chance to hear from their audiences many questions, such as: “In addition to performing, do you teach?” followed in quick succession with, “I wish I could learn”. But you have! Sure, maybe you can’t play an instrument like a seasoned pro, but you’ll learn something which is good for the mind, body and soul. Even professional musicians learn how to get better without lessons – they do it by observing and listening to other musicians – the good and the not so good ones. The great saxophonist John Coltrane once said, “Wherever we come from, we are all musicians”. And Strings of Silk Music says, “If we listen carefully, we can hear each other’s song.”
by | Jan 19, 2018 | Uncategorized
When asked by a client to perform for less than the pay scale set by the Chicago Federation of Musicians (CFM), professional musicians are in violation of the bylaws of the union if they accept the offered below-scale payment:
Playing for wages that are below scale is a violation of Section VIII, I #2 of the CFM Bylaws and Article 13, Section 18 (a) of the AFM Bylaws. Charges can be brought against a member for paying less than scale and also agreeing to perform for wages that are less than scale.
If you would like to know how much to pay, you may contact the CFM for assistance, here. Please know that every effort will be made to accommodate an event’s budget except if it violates the above. Thank you for understanding and most of all, thank you for supporting professional musicians!
by | Jan 18, 2018 | Uncategorized
Musicians don’t just play – they work at it!
One of the most popular compliments Strings of Silk Music receives is, “Wow! What a great performance – the best entertainment we’ve ever had!” It is usually followed up with a question, “How much do you charge?” First of all, it is an honor and a privilege to be chosen to entertain at any event and the compliments are absolutely priceless!! According to the internet, musicians in the Chicagoland area have a medium income of $17.30 an hour. It is physically impossible to perform music 8 hours a day, 5 days a week but luckily the American Federation of Musicians states that performers are entitled to one 10 minute break per hour. But again it is impossible…not for the musicians but for the audiences.
Musicians don’t charge for the music. Musicians charge in order that they can perform the music – rent, gas, food and instrument repair are just a few of the many expenses involved. Other expenses that musicians incur may include: sheet music, advertising, costumes and make-up and miscellaneous musical equipment. Musicians base their pay on experience, ability and if they must pay an agent to secure the performance.
So, when you hire a professional musician, please keep in mind that you aren’t just spending money, what you are actually doing is investing in having the time of your life!
by | Jan 16, 2018 | Uncategorized
Over the years, Strings of Silk Music has participated in “Canine Musical Freestyle” with border collies Buddy, Rocket and now Happy. The favorite routine begins with a live violin performance of the movie theme from “Young Frankenstein” followed by the big dance number “Puttin’ On The Ritz” only border collies prefer dancing to “Puppy On The Ritz”…
Border Collie Boogie!
by | Jan 14, 2018 | Uncategorized
Inspiration: A feeling of enthusiasm you get from someone or something which gives you new and creative ideas!
If music inspires you, what inspires the musicians who make the music?
Strings of Silk Music is a HUGE fan of other blogs and websites for their inspirational and motivational messages:
The Flylady for her “Finally Loving Yourself” messages while helping organize your life.
50 Is Not Old for inspiring messages every Sunday and how to dress for personal success.
The Boot Camp Hub for making the world healthier and happier one person at a time using their 6 Key Habits of Better Health.
And for a jazzy version of a Sunday Sermonette of Song, check out the Jazz Consortium Big Band the second Sunday of every month!