How We Learn Music – Go from the Known to the Unknown

Many a New Year’s resolution begins with, “this is the year I learn how to play ____________(musical instrument)”. Why is that?

Ah, could it be that you “know” you like music and you want to “know” how?

As a strolling violinist, I have had many people tell me time and again that they “used” to play and how they wished their parents hadn’t let them quit! I have only had less than a handful tell me otherwise.

Birthday Serenade at Durty Nellie’s in Palatine, Illinois

You can still capture that magic of discovery!

Did you learn how to read music with “Every Good Boy Does Fine” or “Elvis’ Guitar Broke Down Friday”?  Did you attend music concerts and enjoy them and now you wish you could capture that priority in your life again?    If the answer is yes, then go from the “known to the unknown” from there!

So many clients book repeat performances of “A Day in the Life of a Strolling Violinist”.  Why?   Though they “know” what is in store for them is a reliable performer with an entertaining program, they also want the “unknown” because no two performances are alike. That is because different requests change the music portion of the program and different audiences change the dynamics of it.

Some people claim they don’t know how to “play” anything but the radio or they were told they have a tin ear. I find that those people are the biggest music appreciators I have ever had the privilege to entertain for.

If money were no object and you had the choice to listen and/or learn music from the best computer program out there or from talented musicians, which would you pick?    I thought so….have a great day!

Happy New Year!

What a fantastic December playing for so many people, parties and places!
I look forward to seeing YOU and playing your requests in 2012 – remember there are only 3 songs I don’t know…

Strings of Silk Harmonizes for the Holidays in Wauconda

The Wauconda Women’s Club is celebrating the 2011 holiday season on Tuesday, December 13th, with a noontime luncheon featuring Chicago’s favorite strolling violinist Jennifer Silk. Her entertaining program,
“It’s A Wonderful Life in the 12 Days of a Strolling Violinist”, is filled with favorite requests, stories behind the songs and audience participation. The luncheon and program will be held at Docks Bar and Grill, 313 East Liberty Street, Wauconda, IL. The Wauconda Women’s Club is as diverse as their membership and supports a scholarship program, the township Christmas basket, veterans and the Lake County Museum. New members are always welcomed. For more information, please contact Florence Burton at (847) 526-3107.

Harmony from the Heart

A Celebration of Life and Light
Monday, December 12th
6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Woodstock Opera House
121 Van Buren St.
Woodstock, IL
This special event allows those who have lost loved ones the chance to remember, honor and celebrate those who have been lights in their lives. Joining this year’s remembrance will be Chicago’s favorite strolling violinist, Jennifer Silk for a special musical program. A reflection ceremony will be followed by a fellowship gathering with refreshments. Silk will be performing “Let There Be Peace on Earth” as the candle-lighting ceremony begins outside. Bereavement counselors from Hospice & Palliative Care of Northeastern Illinois will be in attendance as well. For more information, please contact Mary Ann Green at (847) 381-5599.

Musical Chairs – Do I play violin or viola?

On many occasions, I am asked to play a part in a production that calls for me to use my skills as a violinist.  Sometimes, I am asked to play viola.  This is the first time that I will have played all three parts – 1st violin, 2nd violin and viola.

Trinity Lutheran Church's Musical telling of the Christmas Story

Wherever I am needed, it is always an honor and a privilege to be participating and especially for tonight and tomorrow morning’s beautiful presentation of the Christmas story at Trinity Lutheran Church in Roselle, Illinois.  I hope your holiday season is one of hope and inspiration and that music touches your heart so that you find harmony, peace and goodwill towards all.  My thanks to Trinity’s music director, Gary Alan Lichthardt, for his spiritual leadership and wicked baton…Click here to for more information.

"It's A Wonderful Life in the 12 Days of a Strolling Violinist" in Jack Benny Country

Chicago's favorite strolling violinist, Jennifer Silk

The Waukegan Women’s Club is celebrating the 2011 holiday season on Monday, December 5th, with a noontime luncheon featuring Chicago’s favorite strolling violinist Jennifer Silk. Her entertaining program,
“It’s A Wonderful Life in the 12 Days of a Strolling Violinist”, is filled with favorite requests, stories behind the songs and audience participation. The luncheon followed by the program will be held at the Bonnie Brook Golf Club House, 2800 N. Lewis Avenue, Waukegan. For more information, please contact program chairwoman Carol Behm, at (847) 625-6993.

The Waukegan Women’s Club dates back to 1894 and through the years the club has provided help and support whenever and wherever it was needed, but especially giving scholarships to area students in leadership and the arts. New members are always welcomed.
“To perform in the town Jack Benny made famous is a dream come true,” says Silk. “It truly is a wonderful life!”