The Strolling Violinist,
Dead Composers Society,
weddings, parties, events ….
Jennifer Silk, Strings of Silk Music,
does it all!
Chicago’s Favorite Strolling Violinist ….
is Jennifer Silk B.M. M.M. Jennifer is a music education graduate of Western Michigan University and Arizona State University. She has entertained audiences as a full-time professional freelance musician for nearly 10,000 events and confesses that “If only my teachers had said I could make my living at this and have so much fun, I swear I would have practiced more!”. Members of her audience have included Hollywood celebrities, political dignitaries and even a Chicago Cubs season opener!
A Day in the Life of a Strolling Violinist
This fascinating fiddler’s musical potpourri of delightful songs and stories.
‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ in ‘the 12 Days’ of a Strolling Violinist
An audience participation celebration of the season. Song sheets provided.
Sings & Strings
Celebrate with a quartet of music from two talented musicians featuring Metropolitan Opera’s Most Promising Young Artist winner Wendy Wagner Cotton, Soprano and ‘Cellist ~ with an original presentation conducted by violinist and violist, Jennifer Silk, B.M., M.M. Want to read more?
The Dead Composer Society Orchestra
For musical “magic” at Halloween, this trio of misfit musicians will cast a “spell” of fun for everyone!

Can you think of more?

When Jennifer moved to Arlington Heights she had the opportunity to team with her mentor, violinist Franz Benteler. “Wherever I play,” says Jennifer, “people always tell me how much it meant to them to hear Franz play ‘Edelweiss’ or ‘Fascination.’ My wish is to follow in his footsteps and continue providing people enjoyable memories of being serenaded.”
Then requests began to flow in for a “program” …
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“I usually stroll and take requests,” Jennifer says. “And I do a musical serenade called a Violin-A-Gram for birthdays and anniversaries. So I started to think about what I could come up with.”
What Jennifer came up with was a musical potpourri of her most popular requests and true stories about her career performing for famous people, places and events. To top it off, she portrays different musical styles with an assortment of quick change outfits, an introduction to the viola, and jokes that would have made Jack Benny proud.
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Name Your Holiday
We realize Chicagoland people celebrate all types of holidays …
and you need MUSIC to enhance the mood!
From the Chicago Macy’s Christmas show to Hanukkah parties and St. Sophia’s Day or St. Nick’s Day parties … Strings of Silk Music can help you celebrate winter holidays – and more!
Jennifer’s Blarney? It’s a unique show that will entertain all your Irish buddies (and non-Irish too!). Celebrate Valentine’s Day with your closest friends – or throw a party! Columbus Day?
We’ve listed other events we could play at …. email us if you think of more!
Is it your birthday?
Mary Did You Know?
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
Sings and Strings
Did you know that September is “Classical Music Appreciation Month”? Now you can celebrate anytime of the year with a quartet of instruments from two talented musicians! “Sings and Strings” is not only an original and entertaining presentation but it is conducted by violinist and violist Jennifer Silk, B.M., M.M., and highlights cellist and Metropolitan Opera’s Most Promising Young Artist winner, soprano Wendy Wagner Cotton.

The Dead Composers Society Orchestra presents an eerie Halloween music themed program of spooky classical music favorites – a scary “ghoul” time for all ages!
There’s a “ghost” of a chance you will hear many “tricks and treats”, from Chopin’s Funeral March to Charles Ives’ Hallowe’en. This Chicago area trio of misfit musicians frightfully brings to life the “spirits” of the season with “boo”-tiful music.
Click here if you dare! The Dead Composers always leaves you wanting more ….

Don’t miss it!
Click here to see our Rock ‘n Bach selections in our audio gallery.

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